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Fedex快件查询Fedex tracking  

Fedex Online-Services. The ultimate in shipping convenience.

As a Fedex customer you can benefit from our special Online-Services, which make the preparation and dispatch of parcels child's play. The benefits to you are that you save time, you've always got the right documents available and can make any changes that are necessary whenever you like – regardless of our business hours. So why not take advantage of these benefits – all you need is Fedex's Online-Services!


Exclusive to registered customers.

As a registered customer you'll find a lot of tools for the uncomplicated processing of your parcel shipping in the password-protected section of Fedex system online . If you don't have a password yet please contact your DS depot .

  • creating parcel labels online
  • placing collection requests online direct
  • sending accompanying information for COD or export parcels




Practical online parcel tracking.

If you wish to know where your parcel is at any specific time you can check on Fedex current shipping status by entering the parcel label number or your reference number in the above field. As a registered customer you can also take advantage of further services. Simply fill in the registration form and send it to your local
depot .

  • current shipping status available online
  • online proof of delivery (P.O.D.)
  • current financial status of C.O.D. shipments


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